Showcase your shells and beach treasure in a great DIY display table.
Here you see a Printer Tray that was turned into a table top for an iron base table. These trays have many compartments which allow you to organize your shells easily. Via My Home Ideas, featured on Glass Display Coffee Table Ideas.
Two big pots were converted into a seashell display table. By Laurie's Projects. And check out this DIY Planter Pot Glass Display Table.
A console/sofa table made with a set of display tray tables as a base that are most likely custom made. Room by Out In Design.
And who would have thought that bird baths make great little sturdy display tables. Via Creative Little Daisy, featured on DIY Bird Bath Display Tables.
And this glass display table was made from a piano bench. The top was completely revamped. Via BHG, featured on Curio Tables. Or how about Turning Old Crates into a Display Table? So many possibilities.
If you can't find the right Display Table to Purchase, get creative and make your very own one-of-a-kind display table! There are a variety of ways you can make a display table for your shells and beach collections.
Ideas How to Make a Display Table:
What can you easily turn into a display table by just adding a glass top? Trays, crates, pots, and birdbaths immediately come to mind. Other things you will see in this post that you can use to make a glass top display table are doors and benches. Some of these will require a base, trays for example. You could find a cool base in a thrift store, use a stool as a base, and so forth. These examples of DIY glass top display tables will give you some ideas!
Shop Tray Top Tables at Wayfair
An old door with a glass top just leaves enough space to display flat and small shells.