These green coastal wreaths & Christmas wreaths shine with simplicity.
This coastal wreath hangs from a 3 inch wide silver ribbon. Via My Home Ideas.
A festive green wreath that ties into the decor with a wide red ribbon, decorated with starfish and pine cones. Original source no longer available.

Using a Boat Rope tied into a Sailor's Knot as an nautical accent for this simple green wreath.
Green front door wreath with shells attached using floral wire. Original source no longer available.
A Green Christmas Wreath on a picture stand. A single white starfish is all you need to dress it up.
Cute green coastal mini wreath with evergreens and starfish. Original source no longer available.

A festive green wreath that ties into the decor with a wide red ribbon, decorated with starfish and pine cones. Original source no longer available.

Find a simple wreath and deck it out coastal style!