Give glass bottles, vases and jars the Seaglass look with spray paint, as well as brush on paint.
Give Glass Bottles the Sea Glass Look with Martha Stewart's Paint

Give Clear Glass Bottles, Vases & Jars the Seaglass Look with Paint and Glue, or simply use seaglass spray paint or brush on paint to capture the luminous ocean-tumbled colors.
Go to the Liz Marie Blog to find out how she transformed glass bottles with Krylon Seaglass Spray Paint in sea foam color. The cool part, she says, is that you can control the color and deepness by how many coats you spray.

Glass bottles spray painted with Krylon.

Krylon's sea glass spray paints did wonders for these Lovely Shell Jars by Little Vintage Cottage.
And this bright shade of aqua blue is gorgeous as well. Small glass jars are transformed with aqua sea glass spray pint into beautiful Coastal Votive Candle Holders by Remodelandolacasa.
Get a luminous aqua with this Krylon sea glass paint. Featured on 17 Decorating Ideas with Bottles.

Get the seaglass look with Rust-Oleum's Frosted Glass Spray Paint.

If seaglass spray paint is not something you can or want to use, then check out Martha Stewart's sea glass paint, available in five different shades.

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