Coastal Sculptures on Stands | Seashells, Starfish, Coral & Driftwood | DIY & Shop

Eye catching seashells, starfish, coral and driftwood sculptures on pedestals.

Coral Sculpture on Pedestal Stand
Silver painted shell and coral on pedestal stands, seen at H2 Bungalow.

These treasures of the sea deserve a museum style display whether they are real or cast. The selection of seashells and other sea life on stands includes inspirational images, DIY stand ideas, and sculptures on stands from online stores.
Seashell Sculptures on Pedestal Stands

Sea Life Display Pedestal Stands William Sonoma
Nautilus shell and urchin on nickel-plated aluminum display stands from Williams Sonoma Home.

Coral Sculptures on Stands
Find a selection of Coral Sculptures on Stands at Wayfair. From white coral sculptures on stands to some blue and red pieces.

Starfish Sculpture on Stand
Elegant contemporary Starfish Sculptures on Stands available in two sizes from Wayfair.

Starfish mounted on Driftwood Log Stand
Use a small driftwood log to mount starfish. Seen at Ancient Vibration on Etsy.

DIY Pedestal Stands for Starfish and Shells
Pedestal stands made from salvaged architectural pieces found at flea markets by While Wearing Heels.

Resin Fossil Shell on Stand from Wayfair.

Fish, Seahorses, Octopus, Shells, Coral and Shorebirds.

Coastal Statues on Stands

Seashell Wood Display Pedestals
Museum inspired DIY Wood Pedestals.

Driftwood piece mounted on a DIY pedestal stand by Our Humble Abode.

Modern Driftwood Sculpture Metallic
For a chic modern look, give your driftwood sculpture a metallic finish as shown with this Driftwood Replica Sculpture from Wayfair's Driftwood Sculpture Collection.

Wooden Pedestals by Martha Stewart
Pedestals crafted from assorted wooden base objects by Martha Stewart.

Coral on Pedestals
Coral on pedestals featured in these Coral Full Rooms.

Coral mounted on a 23 karat gold gilded base by Designer Eduardo Garza.

Coastal Sculptures & Figurines
Whales, Fish, Octopus, Shells, Coral & more