Stencils give you endless possibilities to add the coastal beach theme to anything you can paint, and stencils are a popular choice.
A beautifully stenciled Starfish Lampshade. Use starfish stencils to spruce up a neutral fabric and paint them directly onto the shade. This method does not leave much room for error. You could also use fabric that you then spray glue onto the shade.
A Coastal Dresser Makevover by Blissopia. A playful stenciled golden starfish makes this dresser a one of a kind furniture piece.
A simple white starfish gives a burlap Upholstered chair a cool coastal vibe. Seen on Flickr, featured on Burlap DIY Ideas.
This Kid's Table is cute.
A starfish table by Whimsea Cottage.
These simple Bar Stools are perfect for starfish stencils! Via Pinterest. For more fabulously painted chairs, click here.
You can even paint Stencils on Glass. Via Pinterest. You can embellish any kind of Coffee Table with starfish stencils.