Nuts over Nautical Knot Board Shadow Boxes as Wall Decor

Nuts over nautical knot boards as wall decor.

nautical knot board shadow box
Nautical Knot Board from West Elm.

knot board
A seaworthy knot board shadow box wall decor idea from Coastal Living.

nautical knot boards on display 
In this Southampton Home you can spot a large knot board mounted on the wall to the right of the window, as well as two small ones to the left.

A similar knot board brings nautical charm to a Home Built by a Sea Captain. These open knot boards might be authentic. Nowadays they're made for decor purpose and come as shadow boxes, like the one in the first picture and the two examples below.

nautical sailor knots
The knots are just so intriguing and really beautiful. 

You might find an authentic board!

nautical knot board shadow box
Originally these boards were advertisements for a deckhand’s tying skills, and they were used as instructional material for sailors. After all, the safety of the ship and the crew depended upon a lot of solid knots. Sailors had to be experts in Rope Tying.