Coastal Curtain Tiebacks & Holdbacks with Shells, Starfish & more

If you use tie backs for your curtains, you might enjoy these coastal ideas!

curtain tie back idea with rope and shells
You can make your own coastal curtain tiebacks with rope that you then embellish with shells or starfish, for example. In the example example, shells were tied to a thick Rope, similar to a Shell Garland. Photograph by Jordi Canosa.

If you need help drilling holes in your shells, go to Drill Shells.

Nautical Rope Knot Curtain Tie Back

These rope curtain tieback idea all have a nautical flair. Check them out! You can shop these tiebacks online or attempt a DIY.

You can use coastal and beach theme curtain tiebacks, also known as holdbacks that are cast in resin or metal, sold online. 

Customer Image

Brass Curtain Tieback Hooks Nautical Coastal Sea Life
Octopus, mermaid and shell tiebacks.

Nautical Whale Tail Curtain Tiebacks
18 colors to choose from!

Rope Starfish Curtain Tieback

And you will find a variety of creative coastal curtain tiebacks on Etsy US to purchase, or to be inspired by to making your own tiebacks.