19 Shell Tree Ideas | Seashell Cone Trees DIY & Shop

Beautiful shell trees for year round & Christmas.

Decorative DIY Shell Cone Tree Ideas

Shell trees are a wonderful way to add the beach to your home. Whether you choose to create cone shell trees or purchase handmade cone shell trees, they make for gorgeous decorative trees to have on display year round, and during Christmas and the holiday season. So here is a selection of seashell trees, including links to tutorials and shopping sources.

Handmade Shell Cone Christmas Tree
(original source no longer available)

Made from shells, seaglass, rope, beach sand & more.

Handmade Shell Christmas Trees
Made with shells from FL beaches.

Best Sea Shell Christmas Tree Ideas

Painted Seashell Tree Idea

seashell Christmas trees

How to Make Cone Shell Trees in Brief:

Types of Craft Cones
You can either use Foam Cones (Amazon) or Paper Mache Cones (Amazon) as the base for your shell tree. Foam cones are the most popular choice. You should also be able to find these craft cones at local craft stores. 

How to Glue Shells on Cone
Shells are hot glued onto the cone from the bottom up, starting with the larger shells on the bottom. To ensure durability, reinforce the hot glue with dabs of Clear Gorilla Glue

Optional Tree Stand
To elevate your tree you can set it on a stand. You can, for example, glue cone shell trees onto circular wood or metal stands that are slightly smaller, so your shells can overlap the cone a bit. Or use decorative stands for your shell trees.   

Seashells to make these gorgeous shell cone trees were all collected from beaches on the Gulf of Mexico. Available in two sizes.

Seashells for these cone shell trees were hot glued onto floral foam cones, forming interesting patterns.

How to Make Sea Shell Trees

Shell Christmas Trees

topiary shell tree
A topiary oyster shell Christmas tree, placed in an urn. A great solution if you only have a few shells. Just space them out. Original source unknown.

shell trees
These cone shell trees sit on a base and the cones are covered with sand. Very festive looking shell trees. Source no longer available.