For all driftwood lovers. Here are 27 adorable driftwood Christmas tree ideas.
Table centerpiece driftwood tree at A La Mode.
Driftwood tree via My Home Ideas is used as a tabletop Christmas tree. This DIY driftwood tree uses a metal rod in the center. See Make a Driftwood Tree with Metal Rod in the Center.
Driftwood Christmas Tree with Lights from All Drift Wood Furniture.
Painted Driftwood Wall Tree at Decor8.
Hanging tree with ornaments featured. Original source unknown.
Hanging driftwood tree. Original source no longer available.
Funky driftwood tree. Original source unknown.
Wall driftwood Christmas tree mounted on cabinet door. Original source no longer available.
My mini driftwood trees with tiny LED lights.
Outdoor driftwood Christmas tree on lobster trap featured on How to Make a Driftwood Tree with Metal Rod in the Center.
Another driftwood Christmas tree idea, using driftwood planks. Original source unknown. This driftwood trees is decked out with Resin Starfish Ornaments.
Outdoor driftwood tree from Allison Walks San Francisco.
Using driftwood from the beach as Christmas decorations seems to be catching on. From Driftwood Christmas Stars to Wreaths and other Christmas Decorations to Christmas trees. And of course, driftwood trees can be displayed all year round in their natural beauty or decorated with seasonal embellishments.
Christmas trees made from driftwood washed up on beaches are beautiful natural rustic tree alternatives. These driftwood trees come in all sizes, from small to tall (for a really tall version go to 36 Coastal Christmas Tree Ideas from Tall to Small), but mostly the trees are small and meant as tabletop Christmas trees. And you will also see some creative wall trees as you scroll down!
DIY Driftwood Tree by Simple Nature Decor also uses a metal rod in the center to hold the driftwood sticks together.
Using driftwood from the beach as Christmas decorations seems to be catching on. From Driftwood Christmas Stars to Wreaths and other Christmas Decorations to Christmas trees. And of course, driftwood trees can be displayed all year round in their natural beauty or decorated with seasonal embellishments.