Fashion stylist Linda Rodin loves the beach and seashells.
Seashells are everywhere in her New York City Apartment! Photo via Matchbook.
Hunting down a gorgeous antique aquarium was worth it! Featured on Real Simple. Their tip: Fill the vessel less than halfway (much of the beauty is in the negative space), and arrange the biggest pieces on top. Blow away dust occasionally with a hair dryer set on cool.
Step into Linda Rodin's lovely bedroom. Glance to the left.
There is an impressive seashell display, not only inside her glass cabinet, which is an ideal place for her beloved beach treasures...
but also on top. Large conch shells lined up and small ones stored in vases and jars.
Look to the right, more shells behind glass.
A peek into the kitchen. Glance through the shelves beginning from the top down.
Countless mini shells on the bottom shelf.
No matter where you turn in her one-bedroom NYC Apartment, the beach has a presence here. Her toilet seat, all sea shell decor too. To see more of Linda Rodin's apartment visit Sohaute and check out all these Seashell Collection Display Ideas.