Nantucket Houses Dressed in Roses

The most charming cottages of Nantucket, dressed in roses!

Rose Covered CottageRoses are climbing across the roof of this Nantucket cottage. Source no longer available.

This Nantucket house dressed in roses is featured in the book "Sea Captains' Houses and Rose Covered Cottages" (see end of post). The book chronicles the small original homes in Nantucket. Via Brooke Giannetti.

Nantucket Rose Covered CottageThis house seems to be slowly disappearing under an abundance of roses. Source no longer available.

roses on nantucketSource no longer available.

Nantucket cottage gardenDarling Nantucket Cottage. I would love to walk the streets and paths of Nantucket again, and smell the roses.

Sea Captains Houses and Rose Covered CottagesSea Captains' Houses and Rose Covered Cottages