Make the headboard of your bed a stunning coastal theme focal point with Coastal Fabric.
Coral fabric seems to be a popular choice for headboards. It's a classic coastal motif available in many different styles and colors. Featured on Coral Full Rooms.
To make a headboard from scratch, you could use an inexpensive Hollow Core Door from Home Depot for a king size bed. Simply add padding to the door and wrap with fabric of your choice.
Also think of abstract patterns that suggest the sea, like this wave pattern. The tutorial how to cover a headboard with fabric is posted on Better Homes and Gardens.
A Tropical Leafy Green dramatic overscaled headboard, covered with Exoticus Elephant Leaf fabric by Raoul Textiles. Via House Beautiful.
Change or spruce up an existing upholstered or other type of headboard by draping a fabric, as seen in this Turquoise Infused Beach Cottage. The fabric featured is Lilly Pulitzer's Color Me Coral Surf Blue Tropical.
For this coastal Fabric Headboard you stretch the fabric over heavy cardboard or foam-core board, then insert the panels into two inexpensive poster frames spray-painted a coordinating color.
Create a Padded Wood Panel Headboard with a coastal fabric. With this idea you can create any kind of mosaic. The fabric used in this project is Thomas Paul's Oceania.
For more DIY headboard ideas, click here.

To make a headboard from scratch, you could use an inexpensive Hollow Core Door from Home Depot for a king size bed. Simply add padding to the door and wrap with fabric of your choice.

For more DIY headboard ideas, click here.